

In our school we had two events which we called "Travel to the Fairyland". The first one was only for our pupils and the second one was for invited guests from other primary schools in our town including special needs school.
The events were based on 5 chosen stories: Three Little Pigs, Cinderella, Ugly Duckling, Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel.There were songs and dances and lots of fairy tale theme activities.

Special train took the children to the Fairyland.

Children were wearing beautiful costumes.
They listened to the stories.

They make the fairy tale puzzles.

They built a pig`s house made of blocks.

and of papers.

They wrote a healthy menu into Little Red Riding Hood Basket.

Had a competition in eating gingebread from the wicked witch`s house.

They were dancing in a big pond with ugly duckling.

And Cinderella met Little Red Riding Hood.